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Post-harvest losses have been a matter of concern since long and are common in both developed and developing countries. While in developed countries maximum loss is at consumer level, lack of adequate harvesting, transportation, storage and marketing facilities contribute to the losses in developing countries. With constant rise in global population and the estimated count of humans on earth reaching 10.5 billion by 2050, providing food security is an important matter to be taken care of. With 156 million children below the age of five suffering from malnutrition all over the world, wastage of food because of lack of knowledge and poor facilities is definitely a matter of concern. India is among the major producers of fruits and vegetables in the world. Poor post-harvest management facilities and lack of awareness are among the major causes of food loss and wastage. Almost 16 percent of total produce is lost annually incurring losses up to 2 trillion in India. With little efforts at producer, consumer and management level and spreading awareness among the masses to not waste the food, noticeable amount of food can be saved, feeding millions of mouths and will help in solving the problem of hunger in developing and developed countries. Efforts to educate farmers about importance of PH management and methods to draw maximum benefit from the crops and hence earn more from same produce with little more amount of efforts will not only help the financially burdened agriculture sector but also help in economic development of a country. Besides uplifting economy, encouragement of PH processing sector will also generate employment and further development of any country. Food industry has potential not only to feed the billions but also of generating employment for millions and right steps in this direction will be beneficial in improving the quality of life.
Keywords: post-harvest losses, fruits and vegetables, food, reasons for loss, prevention of loss