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Religion is considered as a system ordained by God for the guidance of humanity and this is not expected to be overlooked in its expectation in governance. It is the belief of the people that Christianity as a religion should play a vital role in the fight against corruption as it is expected to preach against and act against it most especially as it concerns education sector in Nigeria. Christianity preaches purity, holiness and honesty in its beliefs and practices and as a result, all its adherents are expected to imbibe the tenets of the beliefs and practices. Corruption in Nigeria has become a menace that stares one in the face as it serves as an impediment to physical growth and meaningful development. This issue of corruption appears in all facets of political and religious sectors and has eaten deep into the fabrics of Nigeria’s economy. From the rating of Transparency International through Corruption Perception Index (2002), Nigeria was rated the second most corrupt nation in the world. Corruption has been identified as the bane of most political and economic problems in Nigerian society. It is seen as an enemy of economic development because of its various vices. This paper examines corruption as a fabric that has eaten deep into the fabrics of Nigeria’s education sector and the role that Christianity as a religion could play in stemming down the menace. Christianity right from inception in Nigeria played a pivotal role in education through the missionary schools established by them which were of high quality/standard. Corruption is seen as a great impediment to the said manpower and national development in Nigeria. It also identified various areas of loopholes through which the operators of the education system manipulate it to siphon funds either to enrich themselves or to divert it for other purposes. This paper believes that Christianity should be in a better position to fight this menace in the education sector in Nigeria and reposition it to its place of pride. The paper recommends some measures that could curb this menace if not totally eradicated in order to make the dreams of building national development a reality. 

Keyword: Religion, Fight against, Corruption, Opium, Menace

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